Monday, September 30, 2013

Using quality of light with cell phone photos

Cat Think Big program students Zack Petro, left, and Alex Hawkins do an engine run.

        Randy Rubley, right, shows students how use the Seal machine in     
        the Owens Cat Lab. (Photos by PHO 245/ Parth Pitroda) 

   I decided to write my blog post on the importance of getting quality light while using a cell phone camera. 
   I learned while researching the topic of cell phone photography that lighting gets tricky in bright sun, particularly when it comes to portraits. You want an evenly lit subject, and the ways to achieve that are by shooting on a cloudy day and placing your subject in an equally lit area during peak sun times.
   I also learned that panning is possible on cell phone cameras, which was interesting. I never thought you could pan using a cell phone camera. I feel that cell phone photography is a new realm of photography getting popular in this newer generation, but I would use a DSLR any day over cell phone camera because of quality issues.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The First Amendment and how it affects me as a photojournalism student

    The First Amendment:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

   This amendment gives me as a student freedom to write, post, and publish whatever I please with minor boundaries to private property. This freedom of free press is really helpful and important to me as a photojournalism student because without it, photojournalism would be risky. I have learned that photojournalism requires hard work and curiosity.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blog post about what I like and who I am

   I created this blog for my photojournalism class at Owens Community College.
   As part of my first assignment, I have I love to shoot and process photographs. I also love to watch major tennis tournaments on TV,  talking to people and bowling. I love to use computers as a hobby since I was a child. I also love to travel a lot, whether it’s on planes, automobiles or boats. 
   Every now and then I like watching movies at theaters, as well as just watching them on DVD in the comfort of my home or a friend’s home.